Saturday, October 17, 2009

First post!

I was contemplating for a long time about creating this blog for the purpose of enlightening other moms who are wanting to go into medical school. So I finally broke down and did it!
This blog will be a diary of my struggles and accomplishments as I try to get through the hoops of getting accepted into a medical school, next as a medical school student, and later, as a resident (AKA doctor!).
A little bit about myself:
I'm Silvia, I'm a 23 year old married to a wonderful, supportive husband, and mom to our great toddler. He's so great, we don't know what we would do without him!
I've wanted to be a doctor for a few years now. I first wanted to get my BSN, and got as close as only having one class left before applying for a program. But I wasn't satisfied, so I decided to be a doctor, partly because of one experience I had while working at the hospital as a CNA a few years ago, in which (not to brag or anything!) I nearly saved a baby's life. It was a humbling experience, but one I will never forget. That baby was the reason why I chose being a doctor would be more of a fulfilling career for me than just being an RN.
So this is where I am.
Right now I work at a hospital as a CNA and a unit clerk. I love it there. I find the medical field so fascinating and I will never do anything else! I have to work full-time for financial reasons, but I only have to be there 3 times/week, so it's not too bad. It helps when your co-workers are your best friends :)
I find it's crucial to work in a healthcare setting when deciding if being a doctor is the best decision for you. You have to know that doctors are busy people with a ton of patients that need to be watched over. The more closely you work with a doctor, the better chances you'll have of knowing exactly what they do and how much work they have to do. It isn't an easy task, obviously, but very rewarding.
BUT if you don't have the opportunity of working with one or working in healthcare at all, it's wise to do lots of shadowing. You'll want to know what you're getting yourself into before you jump in the water! That will save you time and money. I was getting my BSN and had to quickly change my major to Anthropology with Health Emphasis because I was told that route was not going to work for the school I'm going to, plus it was going to take me an extra 5-6 years to finish all my pre-reqs for med school. Now it'll only take me a bit less than 3. I'm happy with my decision and I'm glad I changed my majors (although it would be nice to be an RN and know just a bit more than my new colleagues in med school!)
More to come...

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