Friday, November 27, 2009

3 weeks!!!!

The semester is so close to the end I just want life to skip to the end, where I find out I got a 4.0GPA overall this semester.
Except that would only happen in a dream.
Starting from the top, in alphabetical order:
1) I finally got my Anthropology final paper done. What a pain that was. I woke up at 4am on wednesday morning (long story) and decided to sit down and do it. It only took me two hours, but it was still a lot of work, considering this professor has been the most laid back professor EVER, and now he asked for a detailed paper on concepts used from the book. Mind you he never cracked the book open this semester. Go figure. At least the paper is done, it looks good, and I'll get an A for it!
2) Cell bio: I think I'm warming up to the idea that a B+ is acceptable for that class. No joke: I got an 87% on my last exam. My overall average is an 87%... I was sort of disappointed, but I could be doing a lot worse, considering this class is used for the MCAT.
As far as the lab goes, I'm done with them. It felt AMAZING to turn in my last protocol last friday. My research is nearly completed. I'll be working on it tonight.
3) Chemistry: "Oh, the humanity!" *hangs head low* I'll never take an online chem class ever again. It's gotten to be a hassle. Good thing I have a study group otherwise I'd be in trouble. I may have mentioned my chem lab is done as well, I just have to turn in my final papers next thursday. WAHOO!
4) Trig: I skipped class on tuesday due to an inability to drive because of pure exhaustion. I learned from a classmate that the Math Dept has videos online on each section for what we're studying. It came quite in handy and has helped a lot thus far.

This week was a nicer week because there was school only monday-wednesday. I got saturday off (tomorrow) so that makes it even better! I haven't not had to work a saturday in ages... We may even make it to church on sunday! Sweet!
Thanksgiving was great! We went to my mother in law's house for dinner, which was delish! I ended up having to work that night, and that's okay. At least I get Christmas day off and New Years eve and New Years day off this year. That'll be fabulous, I can't wait!
My husband began shopping today (Black Friday) and got some good deals on stuff. I'm glad he was willing to do it because I don't have the patience for it. Hopefully we'll continue to find good deals because this year things are tight for us... but who isn't struggling?!
Hope the holiday was great for everyone!

1 comment:

The Lymans said...

You're so positive, Silvia! You inspire me! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Miss you.