Sunday, April 4, 2010

What to do...

I'm not bored if that's what you think. In fact, I'm trying to study but my mind is set on other things right now, which are blocking my ability to actually retain any information from the 6 chapters of Physiology I have to memorize for a test in 3 days.
I hit a breaking point this week.
First of all, I need to begin by saying how much I love school. I love to learn, and if you put education that's medically related in front of me, you better believe I'm excited to learn about it. The thought of being in school for another 6 years is scary, but to be honest, it'll be great. Education is such a necessity these days, and I'm glad I don't get bored with school.
But because we all have lives outside of school, depending on the circumstances of these extra-curricular activities, it can make school a burden and overall not enjoyable anymore.
Let me explain:
My friend who babysat my son for me on Fridays last semester and part of this semester had her work schedule changed on her, which means she can't come over anymore. I scrambled to find a replacement, which my husband did, and his parents were willing to pay for her to come and watch my son. Out of the four times we called her to come, she only showed up once. She's unreliable, and at this point, I need someone who'll be consistent and who will show up! I also got into a fight with my mom (long annoying story), and now she won't be coming to watch my son on tuesday mornings either, which means I'm out of a babysitter for 2 days/week and I'm FLIPPING out. Yeah, we could consider daycare, but it just breaks my heart. I hate that thought of dropping him off with strangers and kids who might give him RSV. I may just have to get over that and find a daycare for him on monday so he can start there on tuesday morning. We don't have the money to do that but I'm left with no other choice. She didn't come on Friday for my lab, and now I can't put up with that anymore.
We're short selling our place. Yes, I know. We can't financially afford it anymore, and my husband's raise that was supposed to go into effect on April 1st fell through that same day. And because our mortgage went up, it means we gotta get outta there. I hate moving, and especially now. It's not a good time. But we gotta leave before we're forehead-high in financial problems.
I miss going to church. I haven't been regularly in over a year, and it's starting to show. I'm not myself anymore: I turned into a depressed soul who has constant meltdowns over the smallest things. It's hard for me to not go because we all need a little spiritual boost every week, and for me, it's causing some harm. Maybe it's clinical depression, and I'm not sure. However, I have to work every weekend because school takes over the other 5 days of the week. Even if I tried to go, I could only be there every other weekend (I work sunday days every other week, and saturday nights the opposite weekends). And this brings me to my next and final point:
THE MOMMY GUILT. When will this little black cloud get away from me?! Not taking my family to church makes me feel guilty. Along with the fact that I can't be there with my son when he needs me. And hang out with my husband when he misses me. I only get to hang out with him once every two weeks, and that could potentially be hazardous to our relationship down the line.
What am I supposed to do?!
I tried to be super woman and I failed. I wanted to give my all to all aspects of my life, as any perfectionist would, and it didn't work. I got burnt out. And all these problems along the way only made things more difficult for me as I saw things fall apart and I lost control of them all. I recognize this sounds possessive, but that's how I am. And I don't know how to fix anything. Here I am, yet again, contemplating the thought of quitting school. It would work wonderfully now, but what about my future? And my family's future? I'd be miserable beyond belief, and I bet my family would suffer as a consequence of that. But what if I keep going? Will I end up in a psych hospital somewhere because I couldn't handle it anymore? Will I still find happiness along the way even when the road gets so dark and cold and there's no one to lean on? I ask myself these questions nearly every day now. The stress is piling on and I don't have a place to dump them into. I don't know how to deal with anything anymore except to cry... and when I find time, write on here.
I've read some of my previous posts and since the middle of last semester, I'm just not the same person as before. I'm not my happy self anymore.
On a happy note, when I thought I was miserably failing Physiology, I'm actually pulling a B on that class. I hope I can end with an A on this next test to boost my grade up. Just like Chem and Calc.
I pray for strength to get through this next week.

1 comment:

Julie Holt said...

Oh Silvia.... You poor thing! You need to sit down and look at other ways to handle things. You seem so stressed. Could you be a part time student and put off med school for one more year? Soon your son will be in school and not need a babysitter. You could work during the week along with school and save weekends for your family??
You are very bright and can do this! One more year or 2 won't make a difference in the long run!
Praying for you!